Susanne Græsdal describes her process:

“My pictures are abstractions of something only I know. I always see a motif in my abstract pictures. It can be nature, an insect, a lung or a set table.

Only I know.

A mood can set a painting in motion.
A sunbeam casting shadows on the wall in the workshop.
A branch, a picture, a color or a rusty container.

Always looking for colors.

I may have an idea of ​​colors and motif, but my painting always changes in the process. I have many layers in my pictures.

It is the underlying that gives the most.

I spend a lot of time looking, sitting, assessing, sensing - perhaps most of the time. This is what allows me to make the next move.

A little can mean a lot.

Both when I work on canvas and on ceramics, it is the fast movement that takes over. I mix my colors intuitively and thoughtfully.

Can sense when a picture is finished.

I am often drawn to the black line. You don't expect me to paint black pictures. Black is often considered gloomy.

I can not see that."

INSTAGRAM: @susanne_graesdal