THE TECHNIQUE The phenomenon is in its simplicity of using a spatula to drip and splash paint on the canvas instead of touching it physically with the brush. In practice, this means that with his wrist, he flips the paint down on the canvas into something you can call a kind of wrist dance. The rhythm is determined by the power of the hand movements, which in turn has something to do with the mood in which Ole Hedeager is in. He is aware of the basic composition of the painting beforehand, but as soon as the first flick is done, it is what controls the rest. Each flick triggers some oscillations that instinctively cause him to do the next. If we were in the world of music, we would talk about improvisations around a theme.
Ole Hedeager always works figuratively, and it is the face, and in some cases, the entire human body that are the focus. The starting point is a feeling: love, joy, resignation, defiance, doubt, clarity, calm and anger. The whole scale of emotions and moods we can all feel. Sometimes even at the same time. It is this recognition on our part that allows us to immediately relate to Ole Hedeager's paintings. The starting point is his own moods and states of mind, but these are general human moods. Of course, it also helps that he is able to create some very powerful images with an almost mesmerizing effect. The characters stare at us with an intensity you can not escape. We notice the nerve threads that have created the painting. We feel directly and immediately, the strong feelings and recognize them from ourselves. Something that creates a relationship between us and the creator of them THE PHILOSOPHY BEHIND THE PAINTINGS Ole Hedeager works from a dogma philosophy in his works.
WEBSITE: unik-krea.com
FACEBOOK: @olehedeager
INSTAGRAM: @olehedeager