Lenette Ea Lyngfeldt Vacher is a Danish artist and writer based in Copenhagen.
Lyngfeldt Vacher works primarily with surfaces, boundaries and spaces in her works; boundaries between surfaces in the painting, boundaries between the spectator and the painting, boundaries between humans and boundaries between the living and the dead. When spaces are boundaries, spaces become distances but also points of connection. Spaces are something deeply important but at the same time nothing at all.
Lyngfeldt Vacher began her career as the assistant for and pupil of the Danish painter Lars Serena, and subsequently worked for some years in Jutland as a painter. Thereafter she took a master’s degree at the University of Copenhagen, and worked as the director of a NGO for a number of years. In 2020 Lyngfeldt Vacher underwent a heart transplant. She then wrote and the novel “Option 1” (which is to be released in May 2023) and returned to the art of painting.
INSTAGRAM: @lenetteea.lyngfeldtvacher