

Jørn Erik Nielsen was taught by Poul Winther Pedersen "Phuzzy" in sculpture, the essence of sculpture and croquis at Hjørring Art School, and he subsequently received sculpture lessons from Thomas Anderson at Aarhus Art Academy and the Sculpture School, Skanderborg.

Jørn Erik's passion in art is especially the three-dimensional imagery, and the work with clay and bronze. This is where he best expresses himself artistically. Jørn Erik's fascination is expressed in abstract and whimsical works in stoneware, raku or casting in bronze.

Jørn Erik is inspired by Vendsyssel's raw nature, culture and events - the dynamism of creatures, the feminine energy and grace or masculine power.

The sculptures, where humans are the focus, often take on a mythological, philosophical or psychological expression laced with North Jutland humour.

Jørn Erik's birds in bronze mounted on granite are known for their angular shapes and rustic form.

Tom Jørgensen, art critic writes in 101 artists 2012: Jørn Erik Nielsen uses the human body to express the inner life that determines how we act physically: whether we rest in ourselves, whether we are frustrated, anxious, insecure, in love, curious, ecstatic.

In 2018, Tom Jørgensen describes Jørn Erik's works as follows:

The stoneware sculptures revolve around the human mind. About our worries and sorrows, joys and pains, about love, confusion and trust. Jørn Erik Nielsen does it in a very tangible way: by simply showing human heads and then the signs or symbols that show how the person in question feels. Yes, the sculptures actually reach beyond the individual and into the common, the universal.

Jørn Erik Nielsen's stoneware heads strike right into our psyche, personality and way of being. They transcend the sphere of the individual self and become universal. We recognize ourselves in good and bad.

WEBSITE: joern-art.dk
FACEBOOK: @joern.art
INSTAGRAM: @joern.art