Janne Wollesen was born in Denmark and i.a. educated at the School of Design and Art in Kolding. She has lived in Germany and Austria for a number of years where she continued working with the visual arts, furthered her education with various teachers, professors and developed her own visual language. First it was oil paints, later acrylic and mixed media.

Aesthetics, quality, development, visions, curiosity and humor are the focal points of Janne's life and work. Her pictures contain many layers, a life story every time a picture is finished. The inspiration is taken from nature, as a woman and mother, and the international role models such as DeKooning, Chillida, Rothko, Kirkeby and Jörg Immendorf.

WEBSITE: kunstart20.dk
FACEBOOK: @www.kunstart20.dk
INSTAGRAM: @kunstart_no20