Ibrahim Yassin was born in 1967 in southern Kurdistan. Originally trained as a chemistry teacher at Mosul University in Iraq. He has had an interest in art since he was young and since then it has been his passion. In 1990, Ibrahim exhibited some pictures as a solo exhibition at the university. It was mostly drawings where he had used pencil, ink pen and colored pens.
Ibrahim fled to Denmark at the end of 1996 and first arrived at the Sandholm asylum camp. Here at that time you had an art workshop where you had the opportunity to draw or paint. He used the apartment and used the workshop diligently, and it eventually ended with an exhibition in the workshop itself. Later in 2012, he exhibited some of the drawings from 1996 in two art buses, and it had been a success.
Ibrahim Yassin on the creation of his works: “Sometimes a work is born after a long period of deliberation, and other times it happens the moment the pen or ink stains move across the white paper. I like best to make a composition of some selected elements and I make sure as far as possible to create a result that can catch the eyes. In our lives we put extra emphasis on certain things and therefore we go into the details, other things we look at more superficially. In light of this, there are some surfaces in the drawings that I give details and try to go into depth, while other surfaces are sketched without much detail. ”
“Sometimes I include the Kurdish script so that the text is related to the content of the image. I usually pick up lyrics from poems, songs, proverbs, etc. I think the use of characters gives an extra beauty and meaning to a work. All in all, I find it inspiring for me to bring letters to life and show their beautiful graphic shapes, which get prettier and prettier the more you look at them. ”
WEBSITE: ibrahimyassin.com
INSTAGRAM: @ibrahimyassin.art