STAND #38 - 39

Galleri Juel Verland Art exhibits with their artists Claudie Poinsard and Christophe Hohler!

Claudie Poinsard:
Claudie Poinsard is a French visual artist with roots in Cameroon.

Claudie paints the story of life, which in her own case has been rough. From the age of 3 until she was 10, she grew up in a Catholic convent school.

The separation from her mother and newborn sister is often reflected in her paintings, which at the same time also contain both hope and joy.

Claudie's paintings depict a piece of a story, but the rest is up to the beholder. Her art is popular with both sexes, as it has a suitably masculine expression, often in varied earth tones.

Christophe Hohler:
Hohler was born in 1961 in Basel, Switzerland and is of French/Swiss origin. He graduated from the Kunstgewerberschule in Basel and also has 5 years of studies at the School of Decorative Arts in Strasbourg. Hohler has exhibited in France, Switzerland, Canada, Germany, Italy, Belgium, USA and Norway.

Christophe Hohler's works are strong in their expression and colors and give food for thought. He paints the intimate and fragile in the person, but at the same time knows how to portray their luminous dignity. What we refuse to see, but which rightly also fascinates us. In the paintings, it is the male figure/role that is depicted. The man as a powerful being with inherent abilities for action and aggression, but also with vulnerability and emotions. Works that simply must be seen.

Kunstavisen wrote about Claudie Poinsard's last solo exhibition in the gallery:

When I see Claudie Poinsard's exhibition "When the light breaks out", it immediately makes me think of Leonard Cohen's "There is a crack in everything that's how the light gets in".

There is light and warmth in the many paintings - warm earthy colors - burning hot landscapes with the eternal female figure, occasionally with a reflection. It is as if Claudie Poinsard is constantly searching for herself in a thousand variants. As she herself puts it, "I dance with time as a partner"

It is the red earth poetry due to the cohesion of the earth colors that creates a wholeness and harmony of the motif, despite the person's loose line and fading self. The earth colors don't scream to each other, but if you look more closely at the subject, the woman/women are worn crooked by the storm they all seem to have been in.

Poinsard develops his imagery constantly and often throws himself into large works.

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