Camilla Kragh Hjorth-Westh fortæller; “Jeg har altid haft en indre dynamik i mig og en stor trang til at udtrykke mig kreativt, men det var først efter et skub på et malerkursus i slut 2022, at min kreative rejse rigtig begyndt med pensel og lærred.
Min kunstneriske energi og vildskab opstår et sted i legen med de abstrakte og stærke farver oftest med en anelse figurativ, koblet med muligheden for at gå på opdagelse i maleriets finurlige detaljer - altid krydret med et hint af ‘stor kærlighed’ til skabelsen af mine værker.”
Camilla Kragh Hjorth-Westh tells; "I have always had an inner dynamism in me and a great urge to express myself creatively, but it was only after a push on a painting course at the end of 2022 that my creative journey really began with brush and canvas.
My artistic energy and wildness arise somewhere in the play with the abstract and strong colors, most often with a hint of figurativeness, coupled with the opportunity to explore the whimsical details of the painting - always seasoned with a hint of 'great love' for the creation of my works .”
INSTAGRAM: @frubiglove